Detective conan episodes with heiji
Detective conan episodes with heiji

Then Kimie gets burned in the warehouse near the shrine. Conan finds a name, Shihi Miyano, and remembers that it was Haibara's real name, but doubts that's her. Heiji and Conan takes a look at the old ones. Heiji and Conan decides to take a look at the book with the names and numbers for those who anticipated in the festival's lottery, but the most gần đây one is missing. The only connection between the three women, beside being childhood friends, is that they all three believed in the power of the arrow, and that the Elder was immortal. First Naoko being strangled and her Mũi tên xanh is missing. While investigating two thêm murders occur. Naoko suggest that Toshimi had been looking for the grave, and Kimie confirms that Toshimi often spoke of it. It was that incident that made the Elder famous around the country. In myth it was believed that Bones of a mermaid grant long life. The năm after the incident, the Bones were buried on the island, but later moved into the forest on orders from the Elder due to grave robbers who had stolen Bones from the grave. But rumors had been going around that it was a body of a mermaid. The police from the coast đã đưa ý kiến that the body was of a middle age woman, and concluded that it might have been a tourist, who snuck into the warehouse to look for a dugong Mũi tên xanh and accidently started the fire. Three years cách đây a warehouse got burned down and a half body was discovered missing its legs. They learn that an elder who is over 130 years old is a holder of the Mũi tên xanh and the head of the festival. The festival is brought to a disastrous end when one of the winners is found dead hanging down the waterfall.Ĭonan and Heiji investigate the area and history of Những nàng tiên cá Grave, a forest on mermaid island. During the festival Kazuha wins an arrow, which she receives along with Naoko and Saori's father Benzo. Kimie offer Ran and Kazuha each a ticket to the lottery, since a couple called off, and promise to take them to Saori's house after the festival. Saori won one last year, but have Mất tích it and had since been paranoid about being curse bởi Những nàng tiên cá up until her disappearance. Every năm on this island a festival is held where three people win the Dugong Mũi tên xanh that is đã đưa ý kiến to wield immortality to its carrier. They don't seem concerned over Saori's disappearance, but that's because Saori often left home, when she had argued with her father. Those two along with Naoko, a cửa hàng clerk, are also childhood Những người bạn with Saori. Rokuro Fukuyama the fisherman is Toshimi's fiancé. They decided to talk with Saori's childhood friend Kimie, who is the elder's great-granddaughter. But when they try to look for Saori she has been reported missing. In secret Heiji confines to Conan that the letter was meant for Shinichi despite being send to Heiji's address. Conan along with Heiji, Ran, and Kogoro visit the Isle of Những nàng tiên cá looking for Saori Kadowaki, who had sent a letter to Heiji asking them to save her from being killed bởi a mermaid.

Detective conan episodes with heiji